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Language, Learning, Sustainability: making a difference in EFL classrooms (10706)


Fortbildung Language, Learning, Sustainability: making a difference in EFL classrooms
Referent:in Frau Anna Schönbach
(Lehrerin und Autorin)
Datum am 25.03.2025
Kursformat Online-Seminar
Format Online
Freie Plätze
Anmeldeschluss am 25.03.2025 um 23:59 Uhr
Ansprechpartnerin Silvia Vorwerg
Kostenlos buchen

This session is designed to provide teachers with practical strategies for inspiring teenagers and young adults to connect emotionally and intellectually with environmental, social and economic sustainability. Key highlights will include:
- Inspiring examples: Learn about positive examples of activism and understand what it takes to make a real difference.
- Young people's hopes and critical thinking: Gain insights into promoting critical thinking to reconcile economic and environmental concerns.
- Literature in the classroom: Learn how literature can be used to illustrate complex environmental issues.
Some of the hands-on activities are based on the latest editions of Green Line Transition and Green Line Oberstufe.


Wochentag Datum Uhrzeit
Dienstag 25.03.2025 16:00 - 17:00 Uhr


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