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Fremdsprachentag an der Uni Bremen (10431)


Fortbildung Fremdsprachentag an der Uni Bremen
Referent:in Herr Prof. Dr. Martin Butler
Frau Dr. Sylke Bakker
Datum am 21.02.2025
Kursformat Fachtag
Format Präsenz
Freie Plätze
Ansprechpartnerin Nicole Jäger
Anmeldung bei unserem Partner

American ideals and realities: Sharpening students' analytical and reflective skills regarding questions of identity, political, cultural and social developments

Starting from the self-conceptualization of the United States as a 'nation of immigrants’, the lecture explores the contrast between the promise of political participation inscribed into the founding documents of the US American nation with its bleak historical realities of ethnic, cultural and socio-economic marginalization. It particularly focuses on the African-American experience as reflected in cultural forms of expression ranging from literary works to Hip Hop. 
In the second part, various digital teaching resources focusing on aspects of life in the US today (demographics, ethnicity, economic status) will be presented and reviewed. As “voices from the US”, excerpts from a selection of current literary texts and other resources are supposed to render “American realities” emotionally accessible to students. The materials contain tasks, tests and teaching suggestions.


Dieser Workshop findet anlässlich des Fremdsprachentags 2025 an der Universität Bremen statt. Informationen und die Anmeldemöglichkeit finden Sie hier:


Wochentag Datum Uhrzeit
Freitag 21.02.2025 15:00 - 16:15 Uhr


Universität Bremen
Gebäude GW2
Universitätsboulevard 13
28359 Bremen

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