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A plot to introduce the Emerald Isle: Replacing a unit in the textbook with a class reader (10296)


Fortbildung A plot to introduce the Emerald Isle: Replacing a unit in the textbook with a class reader
Referent:in Frau Anna Schönbach
Datum am 04.12.2024
Kursformat Online-Seminar
Format Online
Freie Plätze
Ansprechpartnerin Gunda Post
Kostenlos buchen

A plot to introduce the Emerald Isle: Replacing a unit in the textbook with a class reader

The gripping class reader The Case of the Missing Guitar is set in Dublin and can effectively replace a unit in the new edition of Green Line. For a change, students can read a detective story instead of engaging with a textbook unit. As they read, students won't miss any relevant topics, grammar, or vocabulary while following three friends in their race against the clock to find a very special guitar. The activities provide insights into the everyday experiences and little discoveries that can be made in Dublin, featuring encounters with both locals and people from far away. Join us on a journey to the Emerald Isle, the home of storytelling. This online seminar will be taught in English.


Wochentag Datum Uhrzeit
Mittwoch 04.12.2024 17:00 - 18:00 Uhr


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