Fortbildung | Fremdsprachentag an der Uni Bremen |
Referent:in | Frau Louise Carleton-Gertsch (Autorin) |
Datum | am 21.02.2025 |
Kursformat | Fachtag |
Format | Präsenz |
Freie Plätze | |
Ansprechpartnerin | Nicole Jäger |
Anmeldung bei unserem Partner |
This talk is designed to give you ideas, tools and tips for helping students (in Sek. I and II) to create their own podcasts.
We will be covering the following five areas:
1. Creating content: How to craft compelling content and find something meaningful to say ...
2. Finding your voice: Techniques for helping students to become comfortable with their voices and build confidence ...
3. Interviewing guests: How to prepare for and conduct interviews ...
4. Producing the podcast: Practical advice on tools, editing tips, adding music, creating trailers ...
5. Sharing your podcast: Giving and reacting to feedback.
The talk will also include suggestions for teachers on providing feedback and evaluating the students' work.
Dieser Workshop findet anlässlich des Fremdsprachentags 2025 an der Universität Bremen statt. Informationen und die Anmeldemöglichkeit finden Sie hier:
Wochentag | Datum | Uhrzeit |
Freitag | 21.02.2025 | 10:30 - 11:45 Uhr |
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